Ursula Jones: The Church, My Rock

Author: Ursula Jones (Holy Trinity Member)

When I started attending Holy Trinity in 1963, it was very convenient. This church was just down the road from my new home. Although I can’t recall the exact details, the Pastor’s nephew at the time, stopped by the apartments where we were living and invited my family and I to come worship.

We had been looking for a church to join since moving to the United States but back then, Holy Trinity’s building was much smaller and so unassuming. I didn’t realize at the time that it was even a church!

Holy Trinity was very far from our original home of Germany. In 1958, my husband came to the United States and joined the Army years before we met. He had hoped to see the world, particularly the Far East. Once enlisted, the Army sent him back east but not far enough for all his daydreaming. He ended up right back in Germany! It was there that we met, got married, and had our first child.

In 1962, my husband, son, and I came to the United States and remained here permanently. I was quite nervous about moving so far from my family and the country where I was raised. Luckily, Holy Trinity has become a second home for me.

When I met the Rodenburgs at Holy Trinity, I was elated. I was so happy to meet other people who spoke German! It was such a gift.

Holy Trinity is also where my son and daughter were baptized and confirmed, and even attended kindergarten and 1st grade. In fact, one of my favorite memories of Holy Trinity is being able to see my children get confirmed. We’ve celebrated weddings and mourned community members at their funerals.

Holy Trinity is like a rock in my life. I’m at peace when I’m here. I can sit here alone and be totally happy on the inside. This is a peaceful place for me.

My favorite part about Holy Trinity is that this church is always here for me. If I ever have any problem, I know Pastor Mike would listen and be there for me without judgment. I wouldn’t want to change anything about the church. Everyone seems so satisfied.

Another aspect of Holy Trinity that I love is the Owls. Once a month we get together to have lunch and talk a lot. It’s something special to look forward to.

When you’re young, you’re building - building a family, buying a home…Now at the age where I am, my faith is much stronger. I listen more. I’m not afraid of leaving this Earth because I know I’m going to a better place - and I’ll be seeing many of my family members who are already there.

What has kept me a Holy Trinity all these years? My happiness. I’m happy here. Simple as that. I wouldn’t leave this church for any other because of all of the things my family has been able to experience with the church from baptisms and confirmations to my own second marriage. This is a special place for me.