Special Adult Forum: A Faithful Response to the New Administration
WHEN: every sunday at 8:45 am
WHERE: in person in our lobby (narthex) or online
A new Adult Forum mini-series will begin on Sunday, March 9th, at 8:45 AM. Join us for our 3-week conversation concerning the Trump administration and healthy ways to react, respond, and move forward in faith. This series will be led by Jeff Person, a member of Holy Trinity and Director of Able Dems.
Password: 871541
Forum Schedule
This special forum is currently scheduled for three weeks starting on March 9th. Each of the topics are shown below:
Week 1 (March 9): A Faithful Response to the Trump Administration
Week 2 (March 16): Helpful Ways to Respond That Are Healthy (Faithful Reaction)
Week 3 (March 23): How to Move Forward
About Jeff Person
Jeff Person has been involved in political campaigns since 2003, when he volunteered for the Dean for America presidential campaign. In 2006, he joined Jim Webb’s Senate campaign as a Field Volunteer, and by 2008, he was a key volunteer for Obama for America, playing a pivotal role in voter turnout efforts in both Pennsylvania and Virginia.
Jeff earned his bachelor’s degree in political science from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania in May 2013. Shortly after graduating, he joined the Virginia House Democratic Caucus as a Field Organizer, leading teams that knocked on over 34,000 doors. In 2014, he worked with Virginia Victory, contributing to Senator Mark Warner’s successful re-election in a highly competitive race.
In 2016, Jeff moved to Michigan to work on a congressional campaign, helping increase voter turnout by 3%. After the election of Donald Trump, he doubled down on his commitment to Democratic victories, returning to Northern Virginia to manage a state house primary with a $50,000 budget. In fall 2017, he successfully managed a city council campaign, securing a win by 800 votes.
By 2020, Jeff shifted into digital fundraising, raising $100,000 in digital ad campaigns for various Democratic candidates. In 2021, he worked at Polity Fundraising & Strategies, assisting principals with call time during the 2022 primary season. He later joined Sterling Strategies, finishing the cycle as a Call Time Manager.
A dedicated Democratic activist, Jeff was a Joe Biden delegate from Virginia to the 2020 Democratic National Convention. He also serves on the Falls Church Human Services Advisory Council, where he advocates for improved disability services and policies.
In March 2023, Jeff launched Blue Commonwealth Strategies, LLC, a full-scale political consulting firm, and founded Able Dems PAC, an organization dedicated to electing Democrats with disabilities.
With 20 years of political experience, Jeff has built a strong network of consultants, candidates, elected officials, fundraisers, and donors, making him a trusted strategist in Democratic politics.