Holy Trinity has a relaxed and friendly atmosphere and we want your experience with us to be enjoyable and meaningful. Here is information you may want to know ahead of worshiping with us the first time. We look forward to meeting you!

Holy Trinity offers traditional Lutheran services with a mix of worship music styles and accompaniment by pipe organ or a piano/guitar/bass ensemble, depending on the week. (See the Worship Music page for more information.) The service includes readings from the Bible, hymns, a sermon, spoken or sung responses and prayers, a choir anthem or other special music, and Holy Communion.  It usually lasts about an hour. Everything you need to participate is printed in an easy-to-follow service bulletin and a large-print version of the bulletin is available at in-person services.

How do I worship online?

If you are worshipping with us online for the first time, you will need our zoom passcode. This passcode allows us still stream our services online while protecting copywritten music that our talented musicians share. Please fill out this form to instantly access the passcode.


Are you offering in-person worship services?

Holy Trinity is offering both in-person worship and simultaneous livestreams for our 10:00 am worship services. Masks are optional for in-person worship, but a section of our Sanctuary is reserved for those who are more comfortable sitting with others who are masked. We can’t wait to see you!


Does the service include content for my children?

Yes! At Holy Trinity, we believe children are a vital part of the community and fully welcome their presence in worship. We love to have children attend worship and each service includes a special Children’s Message. For in-person worship, we also provide Spark Bibles in the pews, which are specifically designed to allow children in grades 3-6 to follow along with the Scripture readings, as well as activity bags that can be found near the rear of the sanctuary. Participation in Holy Communion is available at a young age. Additionally, we offer a staffed nursery near the sanctuary and other supports for parents with a child needing a break from the service. Learn more on the children in Worship page.


Can I take Communion?

We celebrate Holy Communion at each service, and all are welcome to participate regardless of their faith tradition. Grape juice is available for those who prefer it to wine and gluten-free wafers are also available. Children who are not yet taking Communion can come forward for a blessing. Those worshiping online are welcome to partake of wine and bread at their home.


What do people wear to in-person worship?

Some people dress up, but most folks wear casual clothing.  Wear whatever you find comfortable for worship.


Where can I park for in-person worship services?

We have two parking lots, both accessible from Woodlawn Avenue. There are parking spots reserved for Visitors in both lots and those with handicapped parking tags will find designated spaces along the curb directly in front of the main entrance.  Street parking in the neighborhood also is readily available.


Coffee fellowship hour?

All are welcome to enjoy coffee, tea, juice, and treats in our lobby area following worship. There is also a fellowship snack station especially designed for children. We hope you stay to introduce yourself and get to know us. We are a friendly bunch! Learn More about our Sunday Schedule, including fellowship and education hours.


Parking and entrances?

We have two parking lots, both accessible from Woodlawn Avenue. There are parking spots reserved for Visitors in both lots and those with handicapped parking tags will find designated spaces along the curb directly in front of the main entrance. Street parking in the neighborhood also is readily available.

Our main entrance is through the double glass doors on the Woodlawn Avenue side of the building. Stair-free access to the main entrance is available via a sloped brick pathway (with railing) to the right of the main entrance and we have a set of powered doors that can be opened by pressing a button.

When you enter, you will be in the lobby for the worship space. You will see people chatting, a Welcome Center and electronic display with information about the church and upcoming events. A greeter at a small table to the right of the worship space entrance can provide you with a welcome packet and answer any questions you may have. We also invite you to sign our welcome book. (We promise not to pester you.)


How can I get other questions answered?

If you have any questions about what to expect that are not answered here, feel free to call the Church Office at 703-532-6617 or send an email.