Mar 30: Explore Lent Through Art

Explore Lent through visual art. Whether through painting, drawing, collaging, or other form, art becomes a way to process themes of sacrifice, renewal, and grace. Join us at 11:30 AM in Fellowship Hall each Sunday of Lent as we use creativity to deepen our connection to God. A new project each week - supplies provided!

Mar 31: Theology on Tap

Our Theology on Tap series continues on Monday, Mar. 31st! As usual, we will be meeting on Monday evenings at 6:30pm at Northside Social in Falls Church. This spring, our topic is “Enhancing Our Interpretive Lutheran Lenses - Power Up!” You can pick up a copy of the book we're using from the office during normal business hours (one per household with a recommended donation of $18). For future dates, see our Theology on Tap page.

Apr 5: WELCA Book Club

The WELCA Book Club will meet Saturday, April 5 in Fellowship Hall for a breakfast buffet at 9 AM with discussion to follow. We're reading “Other Birds” written by Sarah Addison Allen. It is about magical Mallow Island and the quirky and secretive neighbors Zoey meets when she comes to settle her late mother's affairs. Email Gloria if you plan to attend and what you plan to bring to share.

Apr 13: Pizza & Paint

Join us after worship at 10:30 AM on Sunday, April 13th, for our next in-person family education hour. We will be leading the kids in a ceramic painting activity after our lesson. They will get a painted ceramic to take home as a decoration and reminder of Easter! A delicious pizza lunch will be provided. If you plan to join in the fun, please sign up so that we have enough pizza and supplies.

View the full schedule on our Family Education page.

Apr 13-20: Holy Week

This year, we enter Holy Week on April 13th (Palm Sunday) and end on April 20th (Easter). Join us for our Holy Week services including Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter itself, with a sunrise service (6:30 AM in the meditation garden) and traditional service (10 AM in our sanctuary). Reflect on the story of Jesus' death, from the last supper to his miraculous resurrection from the dead.

Apr 20: Easter Egg Hunt

The Easter Bunny is stopping by our neighborhood to hide eggs! You're invited to help us find them at our annual Easter Egg Hunt complete with coffee, donuts, and all kinds of activities for kids up to 6th grade. Arrive early (at 9:00 AM) to participate in crafts and other activities. The Easter Egg Hunt will start shortly after. All are welcome - share the event!

Apr 25-27: WELCA Reatreat “The Story of Us: My Story, Our Story, God’s Story”

The annual Holy Trinity Women’s Retreat will be held at the A. Felix DuPont Memorial House in Rehoboth Beach, DE, on April 25-27th with facilitator Rev. Leila M. Ortiz, Bishop of the Metro D.C. synod. The registration fee is $350 for two nights and six meals (Friday dinner through Sunday lunch). Scholarships are available and carpools will be provided. Learn more and register in the Narthex or by emailing

May 3: Organ Concert with Peter Latona

Peter Latona is the Music Director for the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (Washington, D.C.), the pre-eminent Marian shrine of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States. Join us on May 3 at 4pm for an eclectic program that explores the sounds of the organ at Holy Trinity and evokes the themes of new life and hope in the Resurrection. The concert will feature works spanning five centuries of music for the organ including Clerambault, Galuppi, Brahms, Barber, Langlais and Robinson as well as improvisations by the artist. Learn More on our concert series page.

May 4: Youth Sunday

Mark your calendar to come support our Holy Trinity kids and teens as they help run our special Youth Sunday worship on Sunday, May 4th. For parents of youth who would like to be involved, a sign up is coming soon!

May 17: Metro DC Synod ELCA Play & Pray (Bowlero)

The Metro DC Synod ELCA invites middle and high school youth to join in their Play & Pray events, including a May 17th gathering at Bowlero Annandale (4245 Markham St, Annandale, VA 22003) from 1-3 PM. All costs will be covered. Learn more and sign up for this and other youth events here.

May 18: Church Cookout & S’mores

Get ready for one of our tastiest traditions - the summer church cookout! We’ll gather after worship at 11:30 AM in the church parking lot for some delicious lunch, including s’mores. We’ll also have chalk art and music.

Jun 8: Mini Golf at Upton Hill Park

Come join us for a day of fun in the sun (or shade) at Upton Hill Regional Park on Sunday, June 8th, from 2-4 PM. Enjoy unlimited mini golf as well as a covered reserved funbrella during our reservation time. All ages are welcome. An RSVP is required, so watch for the announcement to sign up!

Jul 19: Fairfax Water Mine & Swimming Hole

We’re headed to the Lake Fairfax Park Water Mine and Family Swimmin’ Hole for an afternoon of family fun on Saturday, July 19th (time TBD). Come nab a slice of tasty pizza under our “funbrella” and cool off! The whole family is welcome to attend and enjoy this summertime tradition. The event is limited to the first 25 people, so be sure to RSVP early! Registration coming soon.

Aug 17: Church Potluck & Picnic at Cherry Hill

Join Holy Trinity family and friends for an outdoor worship at 10am at the scenic Cherry Hill Park (in the pavilion). Worship will be followed by a delicious potluck picnic meal. Our potluck-style picnic offers delicious foods, fresh air, and great fellowship. Feel free to invite a friend (or five). And don’t forget to bring a dish, drinks, or dessert to share!