Holy Trinity’s Legacy Endowment

As we reflect on the rich history of our congregation and the countless lives it has touched over the past 75 years, it becomes increasingly apparent that the legacy of our faith community extends far beyond our current time.

By providing a gift from your estate, your personal legacy becomes the source of financial strength which ensures the longevity of the mission and values that define our spiritual home: continuing our vital work, nurturing the spiritual growth of our community, and extending our outreach to those in need.

We understand that leaving a legacy is a personal decision. So we have a dedicated team ready to help answer any questions you may have about planned giving options. We’re ecstatic about the potential of this endowment to strengthen, enrich, and bless our community and ensure the future of our community. We humbly invite you to join us on this journey of legacy-building as we continue to spread faith, love, and compassion.


Legacy Endowment Giving Goal & Resources

As it is our church’s 75th year, we’ve made it our goal to find 75 families willing to contribute to our ongoing legacy. With an endowment gift, you can simultaneously provide for your loved ones, make a difference in our community, and contribute to our beautiful church.

If you would like to learn more about giving different kinds of gifts to the Legacy, download the PDF documents below. If you’re ready to contribute, contact Pastor Mike via email (pastormike@holytrinityfallschurch.org) or in person.

In the case of making Holy Trinity a beneficiary, please use 61-1985901 for our TIN. Thank you!


How Can I Give?

  • Gifts of all shapes and sizes providing a lasting impact on Holy Trinity’s legacy. Be sure to transfer the asset. Do not sell it first or tax advantages will be lost.

  • Designate the Legacy Endowment as a beneficiary in your will by indicating a dollar amount or percentage. It is also possible to will personal property such as a vehicle or residence.

  • The Legacy Endowment can be named as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy.

  • You can gift your home to the church and still live in it during your lifetime. This usually results in a significant tax reduction and you have the opportunity to see the impact of your legacy gift.

  • Assign the Legacy Endowment as a beneficiary of your IRA. There are typically significant tax savings as people inherit these accounts and have tax liabilities. It is possible for people 70 years old or older to begin gifting the church up to $100k per year and satisfy the required minimum distribution.

  • A charitable lead trust pays income to Holy Trinity for a certain period of years, and then the trust principal passes back to you, your family members. A charitable lead trust can be an excellent estate planning vehicle if you own assets that you expect will

    substantially appreciate in value, allowing you to keep an asset in the family and still enjoy some tax benefits.

  • A charitable remainder trust is the mirror image of the charitable lead trust. Trust income is payable to you or your family members for a period of years, then the principal goes to Holy Trinity, assuring you a stream of current income.

  • You can easily log into an existing bank, stock, or life insurance account and edit the beneficiary of that account to be Holy Trinity. Editing a beneficiary takes less than 5 minutes and is an easy way to ensure that Holy Trinity receives a small portion of your estate upon your passing.

How Will Annual Earnings Be Used?

  • Any new or existing ministry or program of this congregation.

  • Any campus or facility need deemed necessary or pertinent to the growth and sustainability of the congregation’s mission

Holy Trinity’s 75 years of rich history is truly a testament to the legacy that was left for us. Now it is up to us to leave a legacy worthy of future generations. As an endowment donor, I am confident that my gifts will be woven into the lives of others for years to come.
— Lynn McKay, Legacy Endowment Donor
We were members of Holy Trinity for a long time. There were so many memories and so many connections. I was in the Navy and we were away several times. But whenever we returned we made sure to live close to the church. I set up a CD hoping that even if I were away a long time, there might be someone to remember us or at least there would be something of me and my family to be remembered.
— Walter Anderson, Legacy Endowment Donor