Holy Trinity Lutheran Church welcomes our local community and strives to envision new ways to bring our surrounding neighborhood (and beyond) together in positive ways. While we view our facilities as an asset to be shared, we charge a modest use fee so that we can maintain the space for many years to come!
Current Facility Uses
Holy Trinity views its facilities as a community asset that can support many beneficial activities. As a result, a variety of non-profit organizations use our facilities for meetings, rehearsals, and performances throughout the year. Holy Trinity’s facility has three sections. The largest houses the Sanctuary, with its dramatic stained glass windows; a lobby with seating areas; a Nursery; and—on the lower level—a Fellowship Hall, Kitchen, and Sunday School classrooms.
The other sections house church offices, the Library, a Youth Room, and a meeting hall used by a Vietnamese Mennonite congregation and for other community meetings, classes, and special events.
Holy Trinity also remodeled a section of the church building for use as a daycare to help meet an identified need for more infant day care options in the neighborhood. Building Blocks II Day School began operating in the space in February 2018.
Holy Trinity Sanctuary
Building Blocks Daycare
Rothenberg Hall
Inquiries about the availability of the worship space for weddings, memorial services, and funerals, as well as the availability of our fellowship or meeting spaces for other uses, may be made by contacting the Church Office or filling out the interest form here. Call the office between 9 AM - 1 PM, Monday through Friday, at 703-532-6617 or send us an email at office@holytrinityfallschurch.org. We look forward to hosting your next event or reoccurring meeting.