Join Us In Worship

Thank you for joining us! Holy Trinity offers in-person worship service at 10 a.m. EST that includes the celebration of Holy Communion. It is simultaneously live-streamed via Zoom. The weekly worship and children’s bulletins are available below. Access to our online worship service requires a passcode, which is the same each week. To acquire the passcode, please fill out this form to instantly receive it in your email. You can also find it in our weekly e-News (sent on Friday mornings). To join virtually, click the “Join Worship” button below!



Sunday Schedule

Holy Trinity offers traditional Lutheran services with a mix of worship music styles and accompaniment by pipe organ or a piano/guitar/bass ensemble, depending on the week. Learn more about our music ministry here. The service includes readings from the Bible, hymns, a sermon, spoken or sung responses and prayers, Holy Communion, and special musical arrangements.  It usually lasts about an hour. Everything you need to participate is printed in an easy-to-follow service bulletin and a large-print version of the bulletin is available at in-person services. Visit our “What to Expect Page” or “Education” pages, to learn more about the activities listed below.


WORSHIP SERVICE — 10:00 - 11:00 AM


YOUTH EDUCATION (Monthly) — 11:30 AM



Children in Worship

At Holy Trinity, we believe children are a vital part of the community and fully welcome their presence in worship.  Children can find a sense of identity and belonging in weekly worship, as well as Family Education Hour (Sunday School), which connects them with God and a faith family.

All worshiper responses and hymns are printed in a bulletin that is easy for children to follow and our services include a Children’s Message each week. Worship is made accessible for youth through the provision of Spark Bibles, custom activity bags, and participation in Holy Communion. For more information about youth participation in worship and nursery care, please visit our children in worship page.