Wonder, Surprise and New Possibilities

This past Sunday we took some time to consider our Easter theme of Wonder, Surprise and New Possibilities as it related to the three scripture readings.

 From Acts 9:36-43 we wondered about Tabatha. We wondered about her having two names. Did she connect two different communities? What was at the heart of her charitable work, and why did it have such an impact on her community or communities? We will never have answers to a lot of these questions, but by asking them we can also wonder about ourselves and the impact our charitable work has on our own communities.

 Moving from wonder to surprise, we heard that not all surprises are good. In the Gospel reading from John 10:22-30 we heard about the people who gathered around Jesus and no longer wanting to wait in suspense about his identity as the messiah. Sometimes when we believe we know exactly what to do or who people are, or what should happen, but then life takes a different direction. Sometimes we are unhappy with our choices, or the actions of others, and then we find ourselves in a place pain or loss. It is in these moments we need the reminder of God’s presence and care for us in our time of need.

 In the passage from Revelation 7:9-17, we heard of the many who went through a great ordeal and who are all dressed in white. We talked about the fact that we are included with this “many” as ones who are the recipients of God’s grace. We too are given a place in the heavenly abode, because of the death and resurrection of Christ. Like the pastor, assistant minister and acolytes who wear white robes on Sunday morning to represent the new garment given in Christ, we all could spend each day wearing the same outfits – although it may see a bit counter odd to the general public. More importantly though is the question of what we do with our new possibilities right now knowing a place is set aside for us in the future.

 We closed our time together by emphasizing the importance of God’s encouragement for us to take the moments we have now to embrace, love and forgive the people in our lives. Especially the motherly figures in our lives on this Mother’s Day.