Posts tagged Prayer
Building a Church at Home

The birth of the church is incredibly timely in our readings given our current context and inability to be together in worship. So, our job now and for the next couple of weeks is to consider what the first disciples did and said, and then think about how we may be called to act and live out our calling to build a new expression of church today.

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Vulnerability Changes You

How easily we can go through life without truly knowing others or letting ourselves be known by them, even and especially in our faith communities. How genuinely faith might grow if we asked each other the deep questions, made space for hard and authentic stories, and learned to let our legs tremble as we made it a regular practice to share from the heart. Knit together through stories, how powerful we might be as disciples for the sake of the world.

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Coronavirus Preparations, Plans, & Prayers

Last night, the Church Council gathered for their monthly meeting. At the meeting we discussed how best to respond to the Coronavirus as individuals and a community of faith. I write to you now to share how the church leadership and I are responding in this time of need. Please know the Church Council is in regular communication with one another and, in the event that local protocols should change, we will keep you updated as soon as possible.

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Teach Me To Pray

Reflect a moment on who taught you how to pray?

Was it a parent,--- a teacher, ---a pastor, ---a friend? Learning to pray is not like learning how to drive a car or to play an instrument. It is most likely not something, you can learn from a YouTube video. Learning to pray is something you do by watching others and practicing. Perhaps it’s like learning how to kiss.

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