Teen & Youth Fellowship

Youth ages 10-18 enjoy additional service and fellowship activities throughout the school year, planned by our youth ministry team. 

Recent service projects have included collecting, sorting, and packing clothing for the annual Gifts for the Homeless program (5th-6th graders) and assembling “flood buckets” of supplies needed to begin clean-up after flooding is experienced for Lutheran Disaster Response (High School class).  

Fellowship activities have included Nationals games, movie nights, game nights, and more. The youth also work together on fundraising projects, with proceeds used to send our High School youth to the ELCA Youth Gathering that is held every three years. That event brings together 30,000 high school youth and their adult leaders for a week of interactive learning, worship, Bible study, service and fellowship that challenges and inspires the youth to live their faith in their daily lives. Contact the office for the latest programming at office@holytrinityfallschurch.org