Ava Neff
It is possible to see God’s creative hand all around us in nature. And we, as humans, can only try to imitate HIs work. I certainly can not improve upon God’s handiwork, but I have fun trying by using fabric and thread.
Quilting is an art that dates back many generations. I am fortunate to have quilts in my possession that were made by my one great grandmother, by both of my grandmothers, and by one of my husband’s grandmothers. All are treasured and are a way of connecting with past generations.
I am a former member of the LeTort Quilt Guild of Carlisle, PA and have exhibited my work at the LeTort Quiltfest for over 10 years. Currently I am a member of the Vienna Quilters Guild. I have been donating several pieces each year to the PA Relief Sale sponsored by the Mennonite Central Committee. Some of my pieces have hung at the Grantham Church, Grantham, PA for the annual Arts Weekend event. I have submitted pieces in competition at the Art Center School and Galleries in Mechanicsburg, PA and have received first place and honorable mention awards in the textile category. Here in this area, I have shown my work at Paint Branch UU Church, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax, United States Geological Survey, and Green Spring Gardens, as well as various venues of the Vienna Art Society.
I have taken numerous workshops with nationally known teachers and have also attended week-long quilting workshops five different years at the Augusta Heritage Center in Elkins, WV. I find quilting to be a very creative and relaxing pastime.
If you are interested in purchasing one of the pieces showcased here or viewing it in person, please contact Lu Cousins (lucousins@gmail.com) at the Vienna Art Center.
Birch Opus #5
35” X 40”
St. Mark’s
46” X 46”